The financing of terrorism is anintentional act both directly and indirectly bya natural person, legal person or an organisation
that attemptsto give, consolidate and mobilize funds or properties, legally or illegally, wholly or partially, to finance terrorism
or terrorist or activities linked to a specific terrorism act regardless such funds or properties are used to finance the actual action.
Counter-financing of terrorism
The counter-financing of terrorism is an action of natural persons, legal persons and organisations with direct .
Acts of terrorism
Acts of terrorism are an event in which natural persons, group of people, organisation or terrorist organisation wihtin or outside of
the Lao PDR receive finances to conduct an act of terrorism, with the details as follow:
1. Acts that effect the national security, socio-economic foundation, foreign and international organisations, cause difficulties to international relations
of the Lao PDR or chaos to people in the society;
2. Acts that effect lives, health, freedom or deemed as a physical and psychological coercion and threat;
3. Seizure, damaging properties, invasion, attack, obstruction, causing damages and chaos to computer communication and Internet systems or digital instrucments of state organisations, legal persons and natural persons;
4. Processing, production; use, packaging, transportation, consolidation, and obtaining of explosives, radioactive substances, toxics, inflammables, and trading of weapons, equipment, vehicles including an offering of advice for certain act with an intention as defined in subparagraph 1, 2 and 3
5. Disseminating, recruiting, encouraging, coercing, threatening, hiring or creating conditions, and aiding an act as defined in subparagraph 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8;
6. Organizing, financing, participating and attempting to participate in the organization, teaching, and training of selected individuals to conduct an act as defined in subparagraph 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8;
7. Acknowledgement of an act with an objective evidence to prove that it is an act of terrorism;
8. Other offences defined as acts of terrorism as per international agreements or treaties that the Lao PDR is a party to.